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Eco Loo Innovation

Eco Loo & Minos Water on Demand Cisterns

The Eco-Loo is SABS approved,

And has won the prestigious SABS Design Award in 2009.

Our solutions

Eco Loo

The Eco Loo can be described as a washbasin mounted on top of a standard flush toilet. Probably the greatest benefit of this exciting invention, is the fact that it saves more water and space than any other sanitary/ bathroom-ware currently on the market. Millions of litres of water literally, are saved every day, as water automatically runs into the cistern once someone has used the washbasin. Which means no water is wasted in either the wash or flush processes. The Eco-loo is a green savings product. The Eco-Loo is the most environmentally-friendly and sensible solution to the increasing drought, hygiene and sanitation problems currently afflicting our country. Not to mention a number of other countries around the world.
75% Water Saving
80% cost savings
33% less floor space

The Eco-loo & Minos water on demand cisterns are green savings products.

The Eco-Loo is the most environmentally-friendly and sensible solution to the increasing drought, hygiene and sanitation problems currently afflicting our country. Not to mention a number of other countries around the world. We also have Engineered the Minos water on demand cistern systems.
Water Saving 75%
Cost Saving80%
Less Floor Space33%
Cisterns and Mechanisms

The Eco-loo & Minos water on demand cisterns are green savings products. introduces the innovative Minos Water on Demand cisterns, a cost-saving solution designed to revolutionize water usage in remote areas. With a simple, user-friendly push-button system, these cisterns allow users to control when they refill, ensuring that water is used only when necessary. The Minos system also features an automatic flushing mechanism, providing reliable hygiene while significantly reducing water wastage. Engineered for sustainability, the cisterns can be reused and serviced, extending their lifespan and minimizing resource consumption. With Africa as our core market, the Minos Water on Demand cisterns cater to communities facing water scarcity, offering a practical and efficient solution to support everyday needs while preserving valuable water resources.
Water Saving 90%
Cost Saving80%
Less Floor Space33%

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